Saturday 17 December 2011

On the 17th day of Christmas...

Paul and his Pissanlet (and Mesclun)!

Those with any Italian blood might know that this is Dandelion leaf and the name literally means 'Wee-the-bed" from the fairytale story told to children.

Hopefully there wont be any of that over this festive season!

Much Love



Friday 16 December 2011

On the 16th Day of Christmas...

We have Sean and Rev from the Saddleworth Cheese Company,

We shared our stand with these boys at last years Northern Bar and Restaurant Show and since then they've become rather famous for their fab cheeses which are somewhat saucily named...

Their website is well worth a look, just make sure you have your speakers turned up nice and loud :)

Much Love,



Thursday 15 December 2011

On the 15th Day of Christmas...

Daddy Noone has brought to me...

Gorgeous Italian Borlottiiiiiiiiii Beans! 

Though these are not cheap and have a 3 day lead time as they are coming straight from the grower, they are more than worth the effort...

Much Love



Wednesday 14 December 2011

On the 14th day of Christmas

Being as we are half way there, you get a double treat!!

We have Peter and Abdul here with some more of Evesham's finest...

Cavolo Nero or Black Cabbage;


Sam and Mike Jennings from Suzannas with one of our now famous Christmas Pressies!!

Much Love



Tuesday 13 December 2011

On the 13th day of Christmas...

Or lovely Warehousemen Anthony and Brian showing us their artichokes...

Jerusalem that it, all the way from Essex, grown by Mr Jakeman in Pershore. 

No need to be Well Jel, we will have these in all over the Christmas period,

For information, our lovely office team are on hand,

As ever, Much Love,



Monday 12 December 2011

On the 12th Day of Christmas...

We have a special one!!

Meet Lindsay and Martina...

Its a Birthday Blog!! 

Happy Birthday Lindsay!

Not to forget the Rhubarb; a little bit of colour on a grey day!

For more information, as ever, our lovely office girls...and Tony, are on hand.

Much Love,



Sunday 11 December 2011

On the 11th day of Christmas...

The most delectable things to bash in a roasting tin!

Beetroot, Turnips, Sprouts MMMMMM!!!

Could there be a better time of year please??

As ever,

Much love



Friday 9 December 2011

On the Tenth day of Christmas...

Look at this gorgeous Christmas Tree...

Modelled beautifully by our very own Mr Marc 'Zoolander' Porter, we regret to say that you cant buy them as a package...unless you ask very nicely :)

We're not sure we should recommend you asking our lovely office girls for more information as we usually would...we don't want to come across all creepy now do we.

Much Love,



On the Ninth day of Christmas...

Lucy and Frankie Noonette spent some time in the Nutters kitchen yesterday, doing what we do best.. 

Quincing about :)

Lovely and festive and perfect for your Christmas day Cheese board, more information, as ever, available from our lovely office team.

Much Love



Thursday 8 December 2011

On the Eight Day of Christmas...

We thought we'd give you a proper treat...

Everyone, meet Sam holding her melons...

Not only are they gorgeous, they're on offer!

Sweet, sun ripened Israeli Galia Melons; for those paying attention in class, these are on our market report this week which means that they are as attractively priced as they are presented!

More information available with our lovely office team,

Much Love



Tuesday 6 December 2011

On the seventh day of Christmas...

On the seventh day of Christmas...

Meet our resident scratch golfer Mr Barry Barker off on his way to a swanky Cheshire customer with some beautiful rainbow chard, grown in Evesham by the lovely boys and girls at FerryFast...


As ever for all enquiries (for the chard only, he's married) get in touch with our lovely office team.

Much Love,



On the 6th day of Christmas...

We finally started our Advent Calender!

Every day we will bring you lovely images of some of the gorgeous goodies we have lurking in our coffers for your festive enjoyment and over-indulgence.

In January, we will be sorry, and blog about jogging and other such virtuous ideals :)

But for now...

Day 6 in the Noonesfresh Chiller...

Beautiful South African soft fruit, sweet and jewelley looking we will be taking some of this home for decorative as well as dining purposes :)

As ever, call our lovely ladies in the office for prices and info

Much Love

