Tuesday 27 September 2011

Market Report 27th September

Market Report 27th September  11

Please Note:  Cauliflower is expensive this week!!
Bramley, Cox, Russets & Comice Pears from the UK,
Golden, Gala, Granny Smith & Conference Pears from Europe.

Autumn Approaches, now available:-

Toffee Apples, Black Peas, Pomegranates & Chestnuts.

English Produce available this week:-

Cauliflower, Broccoli, Purple Broccoli, Broad Beans,
Kale (250g pack), Savoy Cabbage & English New Potatoes.
Lollo Rosso, Oak Leaf & Biondi.
New Season English Squashes (Gourds), Cavolo Nero,
Quince & English Dwarf Beans.

Strawberries – large, medium & mini’s available,
Raspberries, Blackberries & New Season Dutch Blueberries.

Seen on the Market this week:-

Trompette de la mort, Jerusalem Artichoke, Runner Beans, Mooli,
Lancashire grown green Celery, with leaves on,
Golden Beetroot & Candy Beetroot,
New Season English Sprouts, Marrows, Yellow Courgettes,
Purple sprouting Broccoli & Tenderstem Broccoli,
Corn on the Cob, Salsify, Pak Choi & Bok Choi.
Red Chicory, Globe Artichokes, Fennel, Okra, Kumquats,
Chantenay Carrots, (UK New Season), Smoked Garlic (New Season).
Donut Peaches & Nectarines.


Question:  I come in Green, Yellow & White varieties,
I look like spaceships… What am I?

Please text your answers to Sam Wood on 07791 115525
After 1pm on Thursday 29th September.
Box of Beer or Bottle Wine for the first correct answer!!

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