Thursday 20 October 2011

How to make an apple naughty :-)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Yes, were entirely sure it does contribute to a healthy and well rounded life, but don't you agree that when the weather rolls in, it gets bloody freezing and you can justify a little extra blubber, the person who decided  to dip sanctimonious little apples in butterscotch, toffee or chocolate-with-sprinkles, was a.) a genius and b.) someone who you would quite like to be friends with.

So when we found that there was a great little operation in Gorton, not 500m from our desks at NoonesfreshHQ making ALL THREE varieties, we went to investigate (sample/taste/devour/annihilate, delete as appropriate :) )

Excuse us whilst we shake off the sugar rush.

As ever, all info available from the lovely nooonesfresh team.

Much Love



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