Tuesday 25 October 2011

Market Report 25th October

Market Report 25th October  ‘11

Please Note:  Cauliflower are cheaper this week!!
Bramley, Cox, Russets & Comice Pears from the UK,
Golden, Gala, Granny Smith & Conference Pears from Europe.
Limes much cheaper now.

Autumn Approaches, now available:-

Toffee Apples, Pumpkins cooking/carving (all sizes) Black Peas,
Pomegranates & Chestnuts.

***Beautiful Crispin eating apples, grown in Cheshire at Windsor Fruit Farm 22p each***

English Produce available this week:-

Cauliflower, Broccoli, Purple Broccoli, ,
Kale (250g pack), Savoy Cabbage & English New Potatoes.
Cheshire grown Crispin Eating Apples 22p Each
From fruit form Windsor
New Season English Squashes (Gourds), Cavolo Nero, Quince.
Strawberries – large, medium & mini’s available,
Raspberries, Blackberries 
Blueberries are very expensive this week

Seen on the Market this week:-

Jerusalem Artichoke, Runner Beans, Mooli,
Golden Beetroot & Candy Beetroot,
New Season English Sprouts, Marrows
Purple sprouting Broccoli
Corn on the Cob, Salsify, Pak Choi & Bok Choi.
Globe Artichokes, Fennel, Okra, Kumquats,
Chantenay Carrots, (UK New Season), Smoked Garlic (New Season),
Yellow courgettes.


This week’s quiz is INTERACTIVE!
Send us your carved pumpkin pictures on twitter or to sam.wood@rnooneandson.com

Follow us @noonesfresh

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