Thursday 3 November 2011

Breast Cancer Campaign Day

Last month was Breast Cancer Campaign's awareness month. We all know someone who has been affected by cancer and here at Noone's we are no different.

We decided to try to raise some cash to contribute to this amazing cause and have a little treat along the way.

Now, anyone who has ever been lucky enough to visit Smithfield market in Manchester, at 5am on a damp Thursday morning might be forgiven for thinking that a platter of fairy cakes and a collecting box would elicit little more than the proverbial rotten tomato, but Alas! Wrong!

Fairy cakes went down a STORM with chocolate muffins playing a supporting role for the slightly more masculine palate :) 

Back at Noonesfresh HQ, we dressed up in Pink and donated some pennies to sit around and eat cake for a little bit of the day.

So anyway, the result.

We raised £150 to begin with, which Mike and Maggie then supplemented with another £75 bringing the Grand Total to!!!


Massive thanks to everyone who got involved and donated. We really appreciate it :)

Much Love



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