Tuesday 8 November 2011

Market Report Tuesday 8th November

Market Report 8th November  ‘11
Please Note:  Cauliflower are cheaper this week!!
Sparton,Bramley, Cox, Russets & Comice Pears from the UK,
Golden, Gala, Granny Smith & Conference Pears from Europe.
Limes much cheaper now.

Autumn Approaches, now available:-
Black Peas, Pomegranates & Chestnuts.
Fresh New Season Cranberries from USA Now in Stock
New Season Citrus from Spain now in stock.
 Lovely and sweet  Satsumas/Oranges.

English Produce available this week:-

Cauliflower, Broccoli, Purple Broccoli, ,
Savoy Cabbage & English New Potatoes.
Cavolo Nero, Quince, Red/White Kale.
Raspberries, Blackberries 
Strawberries (Dutch 500g) are very expensive this week

Seen on the Market this week:-
Red Roosters are available again (25Kg)
Jerusalem Artichoke, Runner Beans, Mooli,
Golden Beetroot & Candy Beetroot,
New Season English Sprouts, Marrows
Purple sprouting Broccoli
Salsify, Pak Choi & Bok Choi.
Globe Artichokes, Fennel, Okra, Kumquats,
Chantenay Carrots, (UK New Season), Smoked Garlic (New Season),
Yellow courgettes.
Piccollo Parsnips making a comeback 4Kg Box (24 Hours Notice)
Prepared Sprouts 1Kg Pack (24 hours Notice)
Red/White Chicory
Please Note

Try to stay away from Sugar Snaps and Mangtout for the next couple
Of weeks, the rain in Kenya is making them spotty

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