Wednesday 11 January 2012

Market Report 10th January

Bramley, Cox, Russets & Comice Pears from the UK,
Golden, Gala, Granny Smith & Conference Pears from Europe.
First of the South African Lychees in now, beautiful flavour.
Top Class Rhubarb available now!
Seville Oranges now available
New Season Citrus from Spain now in stock.
 Lovely and sweet Oranges/Clementines
Spanish Broccoli, French Cauliflower
Apricot, Peach/Nectarine from South Africa

English Produce available this week:-
 Purple Broccoli, Savoy Cabbage & English New Potatoes.
Cavolo Nero, Green Kale,Spring cabbage, Jerusalem Artichoke

Seen on the Market this week:-

Mooli, Romanesque, Quince, Dragon Fruit
Golden Beetroot & Candy Beetroot, Purple sprouting Broccoli
Salsify, Pak Choi & Bok Choi,Choi Sum
Globe Artichokes, Fennel, Okra, Kumquats,
Smoked Garlic (New Season),Yellow courgettes.
Purple Potatoes, Ratte Potatoes
Raspberries, Blackberries 
Strawberries from Israel/Egypt cheaper this week.

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