Wednesday 11 January 2012

The sun comes up on New Smithfield Market

By the fridge door, in the greyest part of NoonesfreshHQ is a box. And in the box, wrapped in the brightest red greaseproof handkerchiefs are oranges.

Not just oranges however, our first glimpse of this years Arancia Rossa di Sicilia or Sicilian Red Oranges.

Forgive us for getting a bit excited, and we love local produce more than most; but when these boxes of jewels start to arrive from the hotter, dustier parts of Europe it brightens up the day a treat.

The colour in the oranges, anthocyanin, is a antioxidant and the sharp, raspberry flavour of the orange itself is fresh and clean and enough to wake up the most overindulged tastebuds.

We think you will love them.

For more info, as ever, the office team are ready and waiting,

Much Love, and Happy New year,



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